Delivery People: Do They Get Meal Breaks or Take Breaks When Food is Prepared?

With the rise of food delivery apps like Zomato and Swiggy, the role of delivery people has become increasingly important. They are the ones who ensure that your favorite meals reach you hot and fresh, right at your doorstep. But have you ever wondered about their working conditions? Do they get meal breaks? Do they take breaks when food is being prepared at the restaurants? Let’s delve into these questions and shed some light on the life of a delivery person.

Do Delivery People Get Meal Breaks?

Yes, delivery people do get meal breaks. The specifics of these breaks, however, can vary based on the company they work for and the laws of the country or state they are in. For instance, in some places, labor laws mandate that workers must receive a meal break after a certain number of hours worked. These laws apply to all workers, including delivery people.

Companies like Zomato and Swiggy also have policies in place to ensure that their delivery partners are not overworked and receive adequate breaks. These policies can include scheduled meal breaks, as well as the flexibility for delivery partners to take breaks as needed.

Do They Take Breaks When Food is Being Prepared?

Delivery people do not typically take breaks while food is being prepared. Once they receive a delivery order, they head to the restaurant to pick up the food. The time it takes for the food to be prepared is usually used by the delivery person to travel from their current location to the restaurant. Therefore, this time is not typically used as a break.

However, if there is a delay in food preparation and the delivery person has to wait at the restaurant, they may use this time to rest or take a short break. This is not a scheduled break and depends entirely on the circumstances of the individual delivery.


Delivery people, like all workers, need breaks to rest and recharge. While the nature of their job may not allow for traditional scheduled breaks, companies like Zomato and Swiggy have policies in place to ensure their delivery partners are not overworked. Additionally, labor laws in many places also protect the rights of delivery people to receive adequate breaks.

So, the next time you order food from your favorite restaurant, remember that the person delivering your food also needs their break. A little understanding and patience can go a long way in making their job easier.